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  • 31 Ancient Fertility Sculptures That Prove Our Ancestors Were Freaks

31 Ancient Fertility Sculptures That Prove Our Ancestors Were Freaks

Back in ancient times, before Snapchat was invented, people had to spend countless hours chiseling stone fertility statues to seduce their mates. Unlike Snapchat, however, these sculptures last forever. Thanks to that, we can now enjoy the voluptuous women and well-endowed men of the Neolithic period.

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In a world where environmental issues are always top-of-mind (if just as a topic of derision), even fapping isn’t exempt — at least once that post-nut clarity hits and/or you find yourself looking to replace one of your very plastic (or glass) sex toys. How long does it take for them to degrade in the landfill if you throw them in the trash? Can they be recycled? Or can you just, um, hand them off to a friend?

A beloved institution has lost support and may never bounce back. Hooters announced today they’re declaring bankruptcy, and gooners everywhere are mourning the loss of the one place they could meet women. With Carl’s Jr. bringing bikinis back and Duolingo out of the competition for best owl mascot, it looked like we were coming up on a Golden Age for Hooters, but it was not to be.