28 Brutal Tweets Roasting Zoomers to a Crisp

Gen Z is growing up, which means they’re finally ready to get dunked on by the veterans of the internet. With the TikTok ban coming, the lifeblood of the youngest generation is getting cut off, and these adderall-filled, screen-addicted toddlers are losing their minds over it. The older generation is retaliating the best way they know how – by posting insults on a platform that most Gen Z kids probably aren’t even on.

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The human brain is great at analyzing the world around it. But not everything is right in front of our faces, and some facts just don't make any sense. For example, did you know that Dinosaurs couldn't even touch grass? Here are 21 counterintuitive facts to mess up your mind.

We still aren’t sure what caused these fires, but what certainly isn’t helping are people like these, who have been caught starting fires in the area. This man is one of them — and he was caught by a good samaritan just before he managed to actually start a fire.